Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Dan & All Points Organized experience in excellent results in services provided for happy clients knows how to capably exceed expectations for fully satisfied clients. Dan will be honest, transparent, communicative, with excellent documentation, patient, professional, friendly, clear with fees and services in advance of work performed. Dan will be thorough and concise and listen to you the client, so no doubts remain for the work or services provided in exchange for payment received.

NO REFUNDS apply in changes of decision by the client, change of mind, change of commitment for pre-purchased or rendered services, completed services for any of All Points Organized services for anyone else, family or extended family members, future estates proceedings and wills, friends, co-workers after payment is paid via PayPal, online or In-Person payment via check or cash. Client changes in cash flow, sudden death, long term illnesses prohibiting the usage of All Points Organized services, pregnancy, delays from complications from surgeries, unexpected moving out of town, vacations, loss of job, and divorce are not grounds for any refunds for any services rendered, or pre-paid services, for Organizing from Dan Höering and All Points Organized.

These Terms and Conditions, and NO REFUND policies applies with no exceptions to all previous, existing and future clients of All Points Organized.

Client Satisfaction

Client Satisfaction and exceeding clients’ expectations before they can has always been my goal, and I achieve it. I have a solid record of accomplishment spanning 35+ years or 50,000+ client hours in serving clients in my first love, and life-long profession as a Fitness Coach. I personally demand excellence and achieve high quality workmanship in my services for clients, to ensure things turn out predictably well for my customers. I learn, listen, and ask great questions to understand the clients’ needs and wants so they are always pleased! Therefore, as a business service serving my clients, I take incredibly great care of my customers with the same high standards and expectations that I demand when I am a customer. My clients are extremely pleased with my work.

Client questions are always welcome. Please communicate and tell me your needs & wants, before and during any of my services to communication is always clearly understood by me and by you, the client for any one or more of the services I perform you. Upon the completion of any of my services, that is the best time to ask additional questions pertaining to my service. This helps with misunderstandings - as I always strive to exceed my clients expectations of any services/work I perform. If you see an item or two that needs attention, please tell me, I will be happy to take care of it for you.

Occasionally in serving the public, unsatisfiable customers contacts a business or walks in the door. They are good people; yet sometimes satisfaction is unattainable for them. The business cannot always detect the unsatisfiable-factor in a customer. An honest business just wants to satisfy their new customers and clients every time. Even with great documentation and clear expectations from the business owner to the customer the customer, without merit, may still find the service or product unacceptable.

Regardless of how the business does its due-diligence, always being thorough at exceeding expectations in serving clients, the client may remain unsatisfiable, as they were before they contacted that business. Thus, certain client to business combinations are not meant to be and do not work. Having this knowledge and wisdom, the business representative should encourage the customer to find another business service that better suits their personal consumer disposition and bid them farewell. Thank you and I look forward to bringing my personal high standard of satisfaction to serve all my clients.

Thank you and I look forward to serving you. Dan

All Points Organized | Get Fit & Organized for the Journey

Dan Höering | Renaissance Man
