Dan Höering - July 2018


Dan Höering | Renaissance Man


Contact Dan : dan@allpointsorganized.com or 503.332.0026

Mission Statement | Copyright 2025 | 503.332.0026 | dan@allpointsorganized.com | Terms and Conditions

home fitness workouts

Dan's homemade barbell


garages | sheds | attics | storage units & all your spaces

 About Dan. Renaissance Man.


Being of German heritage, 3rd generation - I am innately organized and very efficient! It's literally in my DNA and I see it now, in the way my 11 year old Daughter has a natural order to her in the way she does things, without any prompting. I've been called very organized by many people since I had a paper-route at 10 years old. In my adult life people have called me Renaissance Man for a long time. I've been organizing since I had my first rock collection at age 8. At 10 years old, I had a paper route and my first checking account. I began working out at age 12 and kept detailed records of all my workouts in the gym for over 30 years. As a successful fitness coach for over 40 years, I helped organize and manage people's fitness and nutrition behaviors, empowering them to regain control of their wellness. My Mom was a bookkeeper; her influence of organization was lasting in me, as she was by biggest supporter growing up. My Dad worked for Mutual of Omaha for over 25 years. He was very effective and helpful with his clients. His follow through was something I modeled throughout my fitness career and now in my business, All Points Organized!

I just love order in my life and now I can help others do the same thing!

The removal of clutter and the restoring of order again and then to reorganize, remove unneeded items and objects, clean-out and clean-up of: garages, attics, closets, storage, kitchens, bedrooms, living rooms or yards and all areas of a clients' home or office. Then processing the overflow of items, stuff and belongings for friends or family, Goodwill, recycle or discard.


I've always kept a very organized garage and home, and life. My neighbors always complimented me about my garage being so organized with two cars in - a two car garage no less! Driving through my neighborhood, or any neighborhood, I always see a garage full of boxes and so much clutter and disarray. I will never understand how not to stay organized in my garage, my house and life! People love it when I organized their garage or home; they feel liberated from stress and anxiety!

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