Dan Höering - July 2018


Dan Höering | Renaissance Man


Dan's contact information

 dan@allpointsorganized.com or 503.332.0026

Mission Statement | Copyright 2025 | 503.332.0026 | dan@allpointsorganized.com | Terms and Conditions

home fitness workouts

Dan's homemade barbell


garages | sheds | attics | storage units & all your spaces

 About Dan. Renaissance Man.


Being of German heritage, 3rd generation - I am innately organized and very efficient! It's literally in my DNA and I see it now, in the way my 11 year old Daughter has a natural order to her in the way she does things, without any prompting. I've been called very organized by many people since I had a paper-route at 10 years old. In my adult life people have called me Renaissance Man for a long time. I've been organizing since I had my first rock collection at age 8. At 10 years old, I had a paper route and my first checking account. I began working out at age 12 and kept detailed records of all my workouts in the gym for over 30 years. As a successful fitness coach for over 40 years, I helped organize and manage people's fitness and nutrition behaviors, empowering them to regain control of their wellness. My Mom was a bookkeeper; her influence of organization was lasting in me, as she was by biggest supporter growing up. My Dad worked for Mutual of Omaha for over 25 years. He was very effective and helpful with his clients. His follow through was something I modeled throughout my fitness career and now in my business, All Points Organized!



I just love order in my life and now I can help others do the same thing!

The removal of clutter and the restoring of order again and then to reorganize, remove unneeded items and objects, clean-out and clean-up of: garages, attics, closets, storage, kitchens, bedrooms, living rooms or yards and all areas of a clients' home or office. Then processing the overflow of items, stuff and belongings for friends or family, Goodwill, recycle or discard.


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The logo above is my original Fitness In Training Logo I designed and created in 1998 in my fitness office at The Commonwealth Fitness Club, downtown Portland Oregon. This logo served to exemplify the passion, meaning and purpose of my life-long focus in fitness. When I was 12 years old and pushed my first weight stack (seated Leg Press on an original Universal Machine) in an armory where my parents were in one of their many antique shows. They told me, "Danny, you're bored, go find something to do!" I was 11 years old that year, 1974. I did exactly what my parents told me to do, so I wandered all through the back of the armory, mostly though, all the many metal doors were locked. A few were open, boring metal dusty military desks. Then I found the last door that was open, and inside was a multi-station Universal Machine, with the original red upholstery seat cushions. It had the leg press, military press, bench press, sit-up bench, hi-low pulleys, pull-up bar, lying leg curl and leg extension. I couldn't believe how I felt once I pushed the weights with my legs and then tried the other stations. I felt alive like I'd never felt before! It was so empowering and I knew I found what it was that I was going to do for the rest of my life! Now, 51 years later, I'm still working out, 6 days a week. I began serious body building just a couple years later in 1976. I purchased the book, Winning Body Building by: Franco Columbu and began my detailed journey forward. I kept written records, as Franco recommended in his book, of all my workouts, beginning in 1979 - and finally felt I had recorded enough workouts, when I stopped logging every workout in my Steno Notebooks, in 2013 - or 34 years of perfect workout record keeping. Writing all my workouts down, with notes on that particular days workouts, with dates, time start and finish of workouts, really concreted my commitment, proving that the hard work, would pay off, and it did. During my competition years of (non-steroid use) body building, natural only, logging my workouts really helped to keep track of all my training so I would peak, at competition day. My training partners, Dave Hill, Veto, and my good friend, Steve Roberts were instrumental in keeping the workouts fun, intense and productive. I brought Steve into body building, as I'd seen him now and then at the YMCA in Ft. Wayne Indiana, (my home town) a few times and got to know him. We became good buddies and from there, he became my training partner. By far, the best training partner I ever had. I haven't seen Steve for over 30+ years and hope he's well.

Body Building set the tone for my life. Body Building for me built the foundation of how I saw a goal and could accomplish it, however difficult, impossible and challenging it seemed. Nothing will ever be as tough as the bone-busting workouts, (as Steve and I called them), as other goals in life would be, and I found that to be true. I mean, doing 700 pound partial squats at 19 years old, 450 pound full squats, 365 pound bench presses, 225 cleans, 450 pound deadlifts was not easy - but we believed in ourselves and each other. We pushed each other to the limit of limits, then beyond that! Doing wall sits with six, 45 LB plates stacked on our laps for 2 minutes, makes your heart pound, your blood pump and makes ya howl like a wild animal, and we did, and we loved every second! We were the loudest in the gym on that second floor, 1917 built YMCA (we called it the dungeon). Those memories are engrained in my brain and carry me through workouts to this very day. I miss those days of simplicity, youth and raw power strength we possessed. God was there too. He's here, there and everywhere in life and in mine especially, thank the Lord I do every every day.

Below's two images. The top one is me when I was 17 years old in competition at the Mr. Teenage Indiana where I took third place. The bottom one is of me at the gym, after a workout at the YMCA last Birthday. I haven't changed, still strong, still pumping iron and still intense when I workout!

Good health to you and remember, never stop working out!

Thanks, Dan